Happou Bijin (八方美人 - Everybody's Friend)

Feb 20, 2018 10:58
A woman who tries to please everybody is called 八方美人 (happou bijin) in Japanese.

八方 (happou) means "eight directions" and 美人 (bijin) means "beautiful woman."

Here the eight directions represent "north," "northeast," "east," "southeast," "south," "southwest," "west," and "northwest," so the literal meaning of "happou bijin" is a woman who is beautiful from any direction.

However, the "bijin" implies a person with a beautiful attitude towards others, not a woman with a beautiful face.

That is to say, "happou bijin" means a person who tries to be all things to all people.

It might sound like a good meaning, but note that this term is often used in an ironic meaning.


「八方」は "eight directions," 「美人」は "beautiful woman" を意味します。




No. 1 Chan's correction
  • It might sound like a good meaning, but note that this term is often used in an ironic meaning.
  • It might sound like a good meaning, but note that this term is often used in an ironic way.
     you can also say "with an ironic meaning" or "used ironically."
I learned a new word today, thank you! ^^
Thank you so much for the correction! (^^)
No. 2 outdoors's correction
  • A woman who tries to please everybody is called 八方美人 (happou bijin) in Japanese.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 八方 (happou) means "eight directions" and 美人 (bijin) means "beautiful woman."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Here the eight directions represent "north," "northeast," "east," "southeast," "south," "southwest," "west," and "northwest," so the literal meaning of "happou bijin" is a woman who is beautiful from any direction.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, the "bijin" implies a person with a beautiful attitude towards others, not a woman with a beautiful face.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • That is to say, "happou bijin" means a person who tries to be all things to all people.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Sometimes we call that a "people pleaser".
Thank you so much for letting me know the term!
I learned something new :)